Letter From The Owner (COVID-19 Response & Offer)

Dear customer,
I don’t need to re-hash how the COVID pandemic has changed the landscape for business. What I will say, even though it may be a bit controversial, is that we can’t roll back the clock to how we have been doing business pre-crisis.
A lot of businesses, politicians and economic experts have been clamoring to get back to normal and put the pandemic behind us. I think it’s a mistake.
I think it’s a mistake because if there is one thing that I’ve learned during all of this is that no one was prepared for something of this magnitude, and if we go back to how things were before, we’re only setting ourselves up for the next time it happens.
For all of the bad that is happening, there is a silver lining, and COVID-19 can become an opportunity for all of us, if we learn from it.
We now know for a fact what it takes for a business to survive during a crisis like a pandemic. We now know what we have to do in order to make sure that the economic wheels keep turning.
We now know that working online, even having options for employees to work at home, even if we run a brick and mortar business, is no longer optional, and no longer something that’s a benefit that we can pitch to prospect hires.
It’s a must in order to keep the doors open and keep the profits rolling in.
We now know what happens to companies that can’t operate online. They are suffering, and some will even go under.
The businesses that are continuing to operate and even thrive, are the ones that were able to adapt quickly; many of them already operating online.
We should learn from their example, and not be so quick to turn back the clock as if it never happened. What about the next pandemic? What about the next disaster that affects us?
We must think ahead, but more than that, I wholly believe that the businesses that adapt to be able to operate online even in the worst case scenarios are the ones that will not only remain profitable long term, but also be the companies that will be in the best situation to affect the world.
I want my business to be one of those. I want my business’s legacy to be one of reliance; That even when the worst is happening, that me and my business was there to bring hope to people and not more bad news.
Opening doors and not closing them.
Creating opportunity and not being another victim of circumstance.
That being said…
The offer on this page is one I created to an opportunity for businesses small, medium and large.
Today, more than ever, the need for consistent traffic, leads and sales is unquestionable, but at the same time, I know funds for many are tight.
No, I have not forgotten that even though I am hopeful, we are still in a crisis.
To that end, I’ve created a custom marketing offer at a reduced price and along with it, I’ve personally made some guarantees.
- This price will remain fixed. It will not change.
- The traffic you receive will be guaranteed.
- This offer will remain in place throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.
During this time, I know it’s hard to make promises or guarantees, and nobody can make guarantees of sales, (ethically or legally), but I can guarantee traffic results.
I can guarantee it because I am doing the majority of the work personally, and I know what I am capable of, so getting into the trenches and putting my name and reputation on the line to guarantee your results?
I can’t think of a better way to serve you at the highest possible level.
Click the link below to begin the application process, then choose your payment option.
After, I will personally follow up with you to help you get started.
Please be safe and remember no amount of money is worth your health or of those you love and care about.
I look forward to serving you,
Dexter Nelson (MCP)
TechDex Development & Solutions
The Live Minder Project
(919) 576-9255